General Meeting
The next general club meeting will be on February 1st at 8 P.M. All members are encouraged to attend. The executive board meets at 7 P.M.Winter Clean Up – Saturday January 28th and Sunday January 29th
Come and volunteer to help with winter clean up. Saturday January 29th and Sunday January 30th from 8-12 noon we are cleaning up for the Fall and Winter.Your participation in the clean up will fulfill your 6 hours of required volunteer time for the year and you will not be billed an assessment fee for the year.

New website is up! Take a look around. We have tried to make it user friendly to assist members and non-members with finding helpful information about the club, current activities and how to join.

The club calendar is now on the website. If you have any events you would like listed on the calendar just send me an email.

If any members have announcements of new activities, upcoming programs or local events that may interest other members, please send me an email and I will post them in the newsletter.

Ladies Night
Any members interested in assisting with organizing a ladies night on a regular basis please contact Mary Langenthal. Some other local clubs have started ladies nights to give women who have never shot a gun the opportunity to fire a pistol or rifle. It could also be a night for ladies to have fun shooting. Please call me at 781-340-6627 or send me an email.

Fall/Winter 2010-2011 Membership Drive
Our membership drive has been successful. The club has about 45 new members so far. The membership drive is still underway. Reduced rates for a limited time onlyJoin the Weymouth Sportsmen’s Club at a reduced rate of $120/year, no initiation or access card fee! This is a savings of $65.00! Contact Ron Hidalgo ,The Sportsmen’s Den, 666 Southern Artery, Quincy, MA, 02169. TEL 617-770-3884

“[T]o preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.” –Federal Farmer

Assessment Fee
The club will be including a $25 assessment fee per year to those members who do not volunteer a minimum of 6 hours per year for the club. This begins with renewals and new memberships 2011. Come to the Fall/Winter Clean Up and fulfill your 6 hours of volunteer time.

New shooters
All new shooters are welcome to attend the junior program which meets 3 out of 4 Wednesdays of each month from 6:30 to 8:00pm. See the calendar for dates. Please be advised that if a large number of juniors are in attendance they will take priority over new shooters. Attendance does vary from week to week. Any and all help with the Junior Program on Wednesday evenings is appreciated. Come watch the kids have fun. They are our future members to keep our sport alive and well.

Dick Striano will be conducting instruction again for basic pistol and range safety officers. For the Junior Program he is giving a course on observing range rules, house rules. There is a sign up on the bulletin board at the club. You may also call Dick at 781-749-7271.

Range Rules
Every member must read the range rules before entering the range. The rules have been updated. All members must comply with the rules of the club at all times!

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad

New Programs
Members interested in starting new programs please contact any member of the executive board with your program ideas.

NRA RecruiterWe have our own “NRA Recruiter”. Renew your NRA membership or join the NRA for a discounted rate and the club will receive a recruitment commission. Renew or join today and get your $10 discount!

In the 60’s, people took acid to make the world weird.  Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal

Sweat shirts, jackets, gear with club logo
Al Fruzzetti has sweat shirts, jackets, golf shirts, t-shirts and caps for sale with the club logo. Al also has WSC lanyards and patches. Call Al at 781-337-3440 or catch up with him at the general meeting if you would like purchase any of these items. Help support the club with your purchase.
Jackets $55
Golf shirts $25
T-shirts $15
Caps $10
Lanyards $4
Patches $5

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